Tag Archives: driving

Day 148 – May 6, 2011

This morning, I was craving Mexican pastries so MF & I made a trip down to the Mexican bakery.


At lunch time, I went to meet up with my friend SK at the House of Blues.

Houston HoB

SK was in town for the day. Since I had a late breakfast (mmmm pastries), we just went to Starbucks to get some drinks. After chatting for a drink, we went to run a couple of errands — he needed to go make a deposit and pay his cell phone bill.

Shortly after I got home, I saw this..

Turns out it wasn't the kitty love we thought it was... it was more motherly LOL

Poor little Tomasa.. there was no milk that was going to come out of that nipple!! I laughed and laughed and laughed and eventually she stopped.

The kitties were just hanging out looking sad... as though they knew what was going on

I felt so bad separating them but I was under strict orders not to bring home the tiny little kitty 😦

In the afternoon, it was time to drive back to Austin! I put the cats in their carriers, loaded the cats, and finally loaded the kitties. It wasn’t too bad of a drive.. except Eddie wasn’t very still for a lot of the drive.

Such a curious little one!

The drive was pretty uneventful otherwise.. and after 22.5 days of being away from Austin, I was home 😀


Day 136 – April 24, 2011

This morning, we basically had the same routine as yesterday.. got up, showered, got ready, went downstairs for breakfast… the only difference this morning was that we were in a disagreement… I was upset about how my parents were behaving and my dad said he wanted to leave as soon as possible, so I figured it was best that I didn’t go see AH and started our drive back to Canada. I felt bad not going to see her for many reasons, so since I was driving, I turned around and drove back into Boston.

Driving on I-90/ Mass Pike

In true Boston form, the GPS got us lost.. I couldn’t remember exactly how to get to AH’s place but I had an idea… anyway once we finally got there, it was super nice out. We chatted and got caught up. It was really nice seeing her, after about half hour, we were back on the road. All was going well until I started to feel sick. Luckily, there weren’t any accidents and I was thankful for a CVS that was open to help. It took us forever to get back across the border (we didn’t get charged duty and the passport stamp procedure was much faster), but then my mom started to feel sick. We got home and unpacked the car. It was one long day..


Day 71 – February 18, 2011

Today after work, I headed to Houston. On my way there, I saw the full moon rise! It was huge and orange and I tried to take photos but they didn’t turn out 😦

I swear the moon looked huge!

Once I got to MF’s place, I barely had time to get changed and I didn’t even put make-up on but we ran out the door to meet up with one of her friends + daughter at Taco Cabana then we decided to go dancing

Where we went dancing for a bit

H & MF!

Terrible pic! No make-up plus I forgot to pack a suitable bra and belt among other things! It was dark in there though 😀

The girl in the black top is MF's friend's daughter doing a solo

You know how I feel about that music.. but I danced away anyway.. gotta have fun wherever you are! Tomorrow we have a long day ahead of us!


Day 14 – December 23, 2010

Baby.. get ready for a picture post!

Today, I was working from home and my mom asked me to go get her some beans from the Asian market across the street. After I showered, I went to get the beans and thought that maybe they’d have Vietnamese sandwiches (the stores prior to that one always had them delivered from the Chinese Center down the street). I was excited and cold as I walked to the store. I could see my breath, and my ears got red really quickly, so I put my hood on. It wasn’t even a 5 minute walk… “it must be below freezing!!” I thought.

The door of the store said they had fresh sandwiches at the deli. Yay!! I needed some baking supplies along with the pinto beans, so I went to grab a basket… the basket was oddly shaped. Turns out there were wheels and a handle!


I grabbed a couple of bags of beans and put them in my basket-cart, and then went to the “baking supplies” aisle and looked at the price of the flour. I wasn’t going to pay over $5 for a bag of All-Purpose flour!! I made my way over to the deli section, and looked around for the Vietnamese sandwiches only to find that there were none. I asked the lady at the deli counter and she said that they just had regular sandwiches *sad face* However, the produce looked really nice. I don’t like the fact that they used so much plastic, but it looked fresher and in better condition that way…

Purdy Produce

Buster was being a brat because I was working on the table near the window. He wanted to go in and out as he pleased. I just heard him complain just now because it’s too late to let him out!

Another Brat Cat

Once my mom got home, we played CityVille for a bit then we headed out. Her car said that the temperature was 1*C (34F) and I was like “that’s it?!? I was freezing earlier!” and she teased me.

Me wearing gloves, my mom driving without them {"it's not cold!"} and the temperature on the dashboard reads 0*C / 32F

On the way there, I was commenting on how cloudy & dark the skies were.

Ewwww no blue skies and all grey clouds!!

"Over there! There's a tiny bit of blue sky!" "WHERE???"

"Behind us, it looks better!!" Then she pulled a U-turn and said "that's as good as it's going to get!"

[She pulled a U-y because she realized she wanted to go to another store than the one we had previously been headed to] We finally made it to the store. We got out of the car and were making our way to the entrance of the store when my mom goes “WAIT WAIT!!” She had forgotten her shopping bags!

"Good Canadians bring the store shopping bags"

Now we were free to go in! I forgot how much French is around us..

All I wanted was some unsalted butter 😦

Once we got all the stuff, we headed home and my mom started on the tamales.. she seasoned the fillings, made the dough and started to spread dough on the corn husks.

Step 4 of like 7? Take note of our tiny little tree... My mom said she didn't feel like putting up a big tree

Once we were done w/the tamales, I helped my dad with his phone (he was having trouble accessing hotmail from it), found him a Christmas present, and tried to figure out how to unlock the iPhone.. My sister decided she would let my mom have it. While I was researching, the phone rang and my mom was all like “IT’S [my sister]!!” and I was like “okay….” but she hadn’t even picked up yet. I figured it was call display. Nope.. mother’s intuition. She knew something was wrong.. D was apparently throwing up while on the phone w/my mom so we rushed over to her place because she’d been sick for a couple of hours. My mom was worried that it was some virus going around at the hospital and D didn’t want to go to the walk-in clinic because she thought it was nothing. We stayed with her for a bit, then she wanted to just be covered with more blankets as she was freezing (but no fever).

Sicky wearing a hoodie and her snuggie and some over her legs pillows. After this, we put the duvet on her

This is her Xmas tree in her room

D's mini tree. Had to make sure the pic showed it with the lights on

So once we thought she was ok, we came home. We hung out for a bit and as I started writing this, D called. She said her roommate had taken her to a walk-in clinic. They went to Shopppers Drug Mart and she was coming home [she got home and is currently sleeping]. She has the stomach flu. I’m not going near her.. I really don’t want that.. especially since my insurance doesn’t cover anything outside the US.

I’m off tomorrow.. not sure what we’re going to do just yet… maybe make some tamales for ourselves (the others were for the pot luck at my dad’s work) or maybe we’ll wait until Saturday to make them when D feels better.

Merry Christmas Eve day!!
