Tag Archives: me

Day 132 – April 20, 2011

This morning, I was having a hard time getting up… I’m still not used to the Eastern time zone, let alone getting up earlier than I normally get up at for work in Austin. I asked my teammate to grab me a Tim Hortons iced capp ๐Ÿ˜€

love Timmy's iced capps

As you can see, I’m wearing a jacket in the office.. I was freezing but I don’t ย drink hot coffee so an iced capp it was. It didn’t really help much. I was still exhausted.

After work, I went home and took a nap. Now, I find my parents’ house to be a little on the cold side. My mom likes to keep the temperature at 21 or 22 * C (69-71F). Dusty ran up the stairs and joined me.. but he likes to make sure he’s warm.

All wrapped up

Dusty is missing the microfleece blanket back in Austin… he’s using this wool blanket. No joke.. he loves the orange side which is the microfleece side. When the blanket isn’t available, he likes duvets.. they keep him warm. Poor kitty.. he doesn’t like the cold weather! My nap was 2 hours long.. I am going to have a hard time getting to sleep tonight ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


Day 29 – January 7, 2011

Today began a little too early due to a text message I received at 6:30. My cousin MF was asking if I could meet her sister (JaF) + fam down by the airport around 8:30 or 9 to drop off the stuff instead of them coming up. Luckily for me, the guy I had a call with at 8:30 was already online and I jumped on a call with him at 7am. WAY too early to be on a business call, I tell you. Anyway, I went down by the airport and drove around a bit on Hwy 71 because I didn’t know where they were; they couldn’t make or receive calls… they could only send/receive text messages, but I didn’t get either one they sent me. Anyway, after driving around for a while, I decided I was just going to pull into the Denny’s parking lot and wait there. I texted MF to let her know where I was and a couple of minutes later, this car parks next to me and I look over to the lady, and I then turn back to my iPhone. Two seconds later, there was a knock at my window.. it was JaF! The car next to me was theirs. It turned out that they had also pulled into the same parking lot but were on the other side, so when MF said “she’s at the Denny’s / Holiday Inn parking lot,” they drove to the other side looking for me. Anyway, it was good to see them.. I hadn’t seen them since July 2007. JaF lived with us 2 separate times in Canada.. she’s the reason my sister & I started hanging out ๐Ÿ˜€


My cousin & her hubby

I worked some more then it was time for Ladies lunch! The plan was for me to meet them for lunch, then head into the office, then get my hair did, and so before I left the house, I took a “before” picture


Before - rockin' the waves

At lunch, it was EE + A, CR, and AR — have you ever met AR? I don’t think you have… We went to the Mongolian Grille near my place.


Someone was not in the mood to have her picture taken!

The Ladies

Crazy afternoon at work.. I left in time to get my hair done. The hairdresser was recommended by a girl from kickball; the hairdresser was really cool. I will probably go back ๐Ÿ™‚ On my way home, the clouds looked really funky.. I was praying for a red light and when I got it, most of the clouds were obstructed by trees ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


You get the idea..

After I got home, I wasn’t feeling well so ย I took a nap. My work partner sent me a text at 11:15pm so I would get up and add redirects that I didn’t add to a website last week. Glad I got that out of the way… then I took my after photo…


My new hairs... I probably should've taken the pic before I took a nap!

My hair feels so much better.. I don’t know what products she used but they smell lovely!! I want!!

Tomorrow… Stephanie’s class!! EEKS!
