Tag Archives: netflix

Day 115 – April 3rd, 2011

Today, I woke up to find a huge mess in the kitchen. Due to me procrastinating then rushing with the cupcakes, I didn’t have time to clean up yesterday before heading to EE’s and I was too tired after the movie. The first thing I had to do was clean the kitchen. I turned on the Netflix and was excited to see that one of my favourite shows as a teen was available for streaming!

My So-Called Life... so what if I have the short-lived series on DVD?

I also watched a movie I hadn’t watched since the ’80s and it may have been in Spanish

Karate Kid

I also cleaned my room and closet and did my laundry. In the evening, I went grocery shopping. Who knew that the grocery store was such a popular place around 7pm on a Sunday?!?

Today was pretty uneventful.. can’t believe the weekend’s over already!


Day 97 – March 16, 2011

Today I worked from home as a maintenance person was going to come to change the filters but I didn’t want the kitties to be scared. Today was also the first day of the year that I turned on the AC!

Yes this is a big deal :p

Eddie and Dusty were investigating the situation. They must've felt or heard something...

Mirana decided she’s the queen of the apartment and has been stealing all the cats’ favourite spots… She loves Eddie’s hangouts:

The bathroom - those are Eddie's whiskers on the right

On top of the chair.. she slaps him when he tries to get close or when he jumps on the chair

Earlier..she was trying to get me to move off the desk chair. I refused. Once I got off the chair, she jumped right on it!

She doesn’t like to be picked up either, but once in a while, she needs a little bit of love. She’ll come and rub herself on my leg, then I can pick her up for a minute, then she squirms again. Eddie has definitely met his match… I think they’re going to miss each other once she’s gone.

Since I’m done watching SVU, I’m onto Criminal Intent.

Netflix only has seasons 1 and 5 for streaming on the Wii.

I didn’t like season 1 so much.. I don’t think the 2 main detectives have very good personalities, but I do like season 5 better. Chris Noth is calmer and less abrasive.

Back to the office tomorrow…



Day 74 – February 21, 2011

Today, I finally got a purselet I ordered from Michael Kors a while back.

Michael Kors purselet

It holds an iPhone nicely 😀

I think I’m going to use it when I go downtown this weekend 🙂

As background noise, my new go-to show on Netflix is

Law & Order: Special Victims Unit

Luckily they have like 10+ seasons!

Just an ordinary Monday…
